Recently my Huffington Post articles shared a phenomenal campaign that is spreading through California schools and hopefully will make it across the country.

#iCANHELP Delete Negativity on Social Media was created after someone maliciously decided to build a fake Facebook page on a teacher as a joke.

The concept to delete negativity online isn’t new, however they are creating snappy new ways to get the message across.

They challenged us to review our Wall?  What your wall says about others and yourself can literally make someone’s day or break someone down.  It’s all in your keystrokes.  The fact is — words do matter.

#iCANHELP wants families to get unplugged with their STACKIT campaign.  Okay, we have heard this before too, however these students and teachers are reminding you that families need face-to-face time.  Their short and powerful videos certainly get the message across.

One of my favorites is Moms Gossiping!  This video nails it – so many parents don’t realize that their teens and kids are watching their behavior, and they are influenced by it.  Parents need to remember that they are a role model both on and offline.

Their video, Crumpled, is an example of how words matter.  Everyday you have an opportunity to use your words to life people up or tear them down.  The choice is yours.

Make a difference today – un-crumple your words with kindness…

Follow them on Twitter and join them on Facebook.