by admin | Oct 25, 2012 | Parenting
Special Guest Post by Jason Miner. If I were to make a list of the hardest things I’ve ever endeavored to do in my lifetime, at the top of the list would be raising teenagers. It has to do with loving them so much that you don’t want to see them suffer but you have...
by admin | Oct 24, 2012 | Parenting
Safety and kids are sometimes like oil and water. Parents go to the ends of the Earth to protect their children from harm, yet kids believe they are invincible. That naïve childhood thinking is envious and unrealistic, so the adults must step in at times. In today’s...
by admin | Oct 19, 2012 | Parenting
As a parent, you have to help your child make several decisions over his or her lifetime. At first these decisions are easy. You help them choose a Halloween costume. You help them pick out a gift for their teacher. You stand beside them as they decide to cut off all...
by admin | Oct 3, 2012 | Parenting Teens
These days, students have many options when it comes to their post-college plans. There are traditional 4-year schools, community colleges and online alternatives. Students can go Ivy League, West Coast or somewhere in the middle. This, too, is true for students with...
by admin | Oct 2, 2012 | Online reputation, Internet profile
This past summer I was honored to teach a class at a local college about online reputation to a group of teens. I was amazed at how receptive they were and jumped in to start creating their positive online image and building their virtual real estate! Today we hear a...