Bad Habits Teens and Kids Pick Up From Twitter

It’s National Cyber Safety Awareness Month, however I think all year round we should practice cyber-etiquette and social media netiquette. Twitter, like Facebook, is crawling with kids and teens spreading their wings and expressing their personalities. ...

Ways to Keep Your Hands on the Wheel

When you’re driving, you’re in control of a great deal of metal that has potential to cause a great deal of damage. A lot of teens don’t realize just how dangerous a vehicle can be if not properly operated. It doesn’t take but a split second to...

Never Too Early For…THE Talk

With all the joys of parenting, there are also a few things that may not be as enjoyable – one being THE talk. I think there are many factors that make it daunting; when do we have THE talk? Where do we begin? My Dad never had the talk with me, but I can tell you as a...