Have you ever posted a picture and later regretted it?
Have you ever sent your friend private photos that you believed were not going to be shared with anyone but her, and suddenly they are are over social media sites?
Recently I wrote an article for the Huffington Post, Online Reputation Doesn’t Take Holidays Off. As a matter of fact, your virtual image never takes a break, which is why every keystroke matters and every upload of a photo counts.
Share with care – and remember oversharing is never okay.
Be kind with each others photos. Unless someone has given you permission to share their pictures, don’t.
For all those that are getting ready to post their holiday family pictures, be sure your privacy settings are secure. Do yourself a favor and use custom settings so only those that you want to see the photos can view them. I am sure strangers from across the world don’t need to view your little brothers, sisters, cousins, etc….. Stay safe online, your family is worth it!
Happy Holidays!