Guest post:
As a father of three young kids, navigating the twists and turns of raising kids in our techno-centric society is something I grapple with on a daily basis. Amber Child Safety helps parents like me feel empowered by using state-of-the-art tools to protect my kids from dangers online, at home, at school, and anywhere else they may go.
Cyberbullying is one of these dangers.
Our Cyberbully Savvy toolkit (http://www.cyberbullysavvy.
But a free toolkit isn’t enough. This message NEEDS to be heard, and to make sure that happens, Amber Child Safety is pledging to donate $1 for each person who downloads the free Cyberbully Savvy kit to cyberbullying charities, up to $1 million. An unprecedented donation, but one that we think is well worth the investment.
We’re doing our part to join this fight, and unite a community of advocates to get “cyberbully savvy” and spread awareness of this very real issue that’s impacting our kids. If you’ve been bullied, or if you know a child who has been bullied, you know the dread, depression and desperation it can cause. Anybody in a position to help has an obligation to do just that.
So let’s spread the word. Share with friends, follow us on Twitter @cyberbullysavvy and on Facebook
Written by:
Darryl Hicks, President & CEO, Amber Child Safety