Guest post:

As a father of three young kids, navigating the twists and turns of raising kids in our techno-centric society is something I grapple with on a daily basis. Amber Child Safety helps parents like me feel empowered by using state-of-the-art tools to protect my kids from dangers online, at home, at school, and anywhere else they may go.

Cyberbullying is one of these dangers.

Our Cyberbully Savvy toolkit ( was designed from the ground up to be a step in the right direction by providing parents, edu­cators, and kids with a brand-new way to start better conversa­tions about this problem. This resource is about the face of the cyberbullying epidemic today, where it’s headed and what we can do to address it, and we’ve incorporated feedback from some of the most influential minds in the cyberbullying space to achieve that goal.

But a free toolkit isn’t enough.  This message NEEDS to be heard, and to make sure that happens, Amber Child Safety is pledging to donate $1 for each person who downloads the free Cyberbully Savvy kit to cyberbullying charities, up to $1 million. An unprecedented donation, but one that we think is well worth the investment.

We’re doing our part to join this fight, and unite a community of advocates to get “cyberbully savvy” and spread awareness of this very real issue that’s impacting our kids. If you’ve been bullied, or if you know a child who has been bullied, you know the dread, depression and desperation it can cause. Anybody in a position to help has an obligation to do just that.

So let’s spread the word. Share with friends, follow us on Twitter @cyberbullysavvy and on Facebook, check out our original “Little Voices” video  below and use the hashtag #cyberbullysavvy to tell the world it’s time to pay attention.

Written by:

Darryl Hicks,  President & CEO, Amber Child Safety