How to Help Your Teen Choose Good Friends

How can you help your teen choose good friends — in real life outside of technology. This is one of the most common concerns parents have today, especially when they have raised their child with a solid family foundation and good morals and principles. Some...

How to Help Teen Loneliness

Have you noticed your teen becoming more withdrawn? Isolating themselves to their bedrooms or shutting down from family functions? A growing body of research shows that young people are more likely to feel lonely than older adults. Loneliness is hard especially for...

The Benefits of Teen Summer Jobs

Is your teen considering a summer job? What are the benefits of summer employment? If your teenager is old enough to  apply for employment, it’s time to encourage to get a summer job. There are many benefits to part-time summer work, and you may discover most teens...

Strategies to Discipline Your Teenager

Are you struggling with a defiant teenager, especially if you attempt to remove their devices? Has teen disrespect for you and your home become normal and you feel like a punching bag? Punishing a child is much different than a teenager. How do you punish a teenager;...

How to Handle School Refusal With My Teenager

How can parents handle a teen that refuses to go to school? Especially if you have a high school student that is only credits away from graduating, how can you convince them the importance of a diploma? This has become a quite problem with parents around the country...