Use Your Words to Un-Crumple Someone Today

Recently my Huffington Post articles shared a phenomenal campaign that is spreading through California schools and hopefully will make it across the country. #iCANHELP Delete Negativity on Social Media was created after someone maliciously decided to build a fake...

Another Brick In THE WALL

If you are from my generation Another Brick in the Wall brings back memories of one of the best classic rock songs by Pink Floyd. Today we can use it as an analogy. We have our Facebook wall (or timeline), we have streams on Twitter and Instagram and other social...

Cyberbullying: It’s Not Physical It’s Personal

Sticks and stones. Words will never hurt you. Suck it up. Just ignore it. Easier said than done.  When we were younger we all remember that old cliché that sticks and stone may break our bones, but words can never hurt us. It only took a generation for us to realize...

Moms and Parents Gossiping: Lead By Example?

Recently I wrote about a survey lead by Stage of Life that reported that 97% of teens learn their manners from home – their parents are their influence. When it comes to their decision to drink alcohol, according to the Century Council, 83% of teens said that...

2014 Digital Kindness Year

It’s that time of the year when people make resolutions that they usually don’t end up keeping. Joining a gym, dieting, quit smoking, exercising more, stop swearing, visiting relatives more, unplugging more, slowing down,  etc….. I can’t help...