Online Bullying, Offline Issues

School is back in session across the country.  It’s true – online cruelty never takes a break, but when school opens we can see a rise in peer cruelty online and off. In McAfee’s 2014 Teens and Screens Study, they reported cyberbullying has tripled...

Cyberbully Savvy ToolKit: Amber Child Safety

Guest post: As a father of three young kids, navigating the twists and turns of raising kids in our techno-centric society is something I grapple with on a daily basis. Amber Child Safety helps parents like me feel empowered by using state-of-the-art tools to protect...

Compliment Wall: Erase Hate

#iCANHELP Campaign continues to spread nationwide with their message that kindness can defeat negativity. A few negative posts can leave you feeling alone and isolated. However, all it takes is one person noticing something good and complimenting our day to erase all...

It Starts At The Top: Adult Bullying

I recently wrote about Grownup Bullying and Monster Moms and the response was overwhelming. It was the same when I wrote about Adult Bullying: Harassment By People You Respect. I am confident that everyone that reads these articles knows someone that has been a victim...

Teachers Have Feelings Too: Tweets To Teachers

Students and others have taken to Twitter to share their thoughts, feelings, activities, and even opinions about their teachers. With the limit of 140 characters per Tweet, you have options to make those keystrokes build someone up — or break them down. Just a...