Cyberbullying on the Rise?

Whenever I see these headlines I want to cringe. The fact is, it’s sad we need headlines to remind us to continue to be kind to others, to continue to discuss with our children as well as our friends and colleagues about the importance of being an upstander when...

Cyberbullying Laws and Bystanders Becoming Upstanders

As cyberbullying continues to be a major issue for many people of all ages in the United States, New Zealand’s government has passed a law designed to protect children from cyberbullying. The Harmful Digital Communications law is only meant for the most serious cases....

#iCanHelp Launches Social Media HelpLine in Schools

#iCANHELP AND NET FAMILY NEWS INC. TEAM UP TO PILOT A SOCIAL MEDIA HELPLINE FOR SCHOOLS DURING 2015-’16 SCHOOL YEAR With 92% of middle and high school students online daily, 24% of them “almost constantly,”* it’s time schools had some help with...

Why Age Restrictions Matter on Social Media

We have discussed this for a long time, tweens jumping on social networking sites that clearly state they must be 13 years-old to join. Parents will sometimes cave to their tweens begging (peer pressure from the tween) – or the tween will find a way around...