Best Parenting Books In A Digital Age

Our kids and teens may always be an app ahead of us, but make no doubt about it, they will always need our parenting wisdom. As technology has taken over our lives (almost literally), we have witnessed a rise in online hate, a dip in empathy and compassion and most of...

Teens and Social Media Behavior

Colleges and businesses are watching you – digitally speaking.   Many teens are tired of hearing parents and teachers reminding them to pause before you post or think before you send a text. They may be tired of hearing it, but that doesn’t mean we are going to...

Teens Building Online Reputation

Summertime is a time to develop a digital landscape. Digital citizenship is a phrase we hear a lot, especially as it pertains to young people. Today your online reputation can and will dictate your future, so it’s important to start early in creating a digital...

Social Media: Publicly Private

Social media wasn’t created for privacy. Why are people always shocked when they find out their private information has been exposed online? We read about teachers, school coaches, firefighters, police officers, youth pastors and other (so-called) responsible...

Digital Gossip: How It Leads to Cyberbullying

How cyber-gossip quickly transforms to online bullying. Gossip can be mean, especially when it’s online. Bullies can build on gossip and create stories and ugliness about a student that can go viral in seconds. In today’s internet age, gossip can be spread at...

Becoming A Digital Parent

Majority of teens own smartphones, new survey shares how parents are managing to become cyber-savvy. Interestingly, in a new PEW Survey, the majority of parents (65 percent) have concern over the amount of time their teen is online. They are worrying that they are...

Critical Thinking: Consequences of What We Post

Know that everything you put online (or a device) has the possibility of becoming “Public and Permanent”® – and expression coined perfectly by Richard Guerry, founder of the Institute of Responsible Online and Phone Communication (IROC2). Majority of...

Cyberbullying: Reporting Online Hate

Digital resilience: Becoming a better online reporter. The majority of teens have come across racist or sexist hate speech on social media.  There are five-steps to building digital resilience. Prepare them for the ugly side of social media.Teach them...

Protecting Your Family’s Digital Identity

National Privacy Day: Securing online safety. January 28th celebrates National Data Privacy Day; an event that recognizes the importance of Internet advocacy and data privacy. As a caring parent, nothing is more important than the safety and privacy of your child,...