Teen Internet Addiction

Internet addiction, is it real? YES! Today we are facing a time when teen depression is on the rise. Young people are struggling with anxiety, stress and overwhelmed by peer pressure. They are completely immersed in their screens without considering their emotional or...

Nice It Forward: Random Acts of Kindness

Random Acts of Kindness Day is great time to emphasize the importance of humanity towards each other. At the same time, it’s a bit sad that we have to remind people to simply be nice to one another. In my book, Shame Nation: The Global Epidemic of Online Hate we...

Cyberbullying Makes Teen Depression Worse

According to new research, cyberbullying can worsen symptoms of depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in young people. It’s not only about online bullying and harassment, social media use and screen time can lead to an increase in depression and...

Teens Learn Safe Sexting

In an age where sending nudes has become normalized, we must educate young people on how to handle sexual content; sexting. A JAMA Pediatrics study showed that 1 in 4 teens say they’re sexting—witness the sexting scandals that have popped up in small towns...

Sexting: It Starts Early

Study: Kids as young as 10 are being exposed to sexting. When to give your child a cellphone has been a big question for years. There really isn’t any right answer, as it really depends on your child’s level of maturity and responsibility. What we do know is according...

The Ongoing Tech Talk Debate

Why is the tech talk is more difficult than the sex talk? Your ongoing offline conversations are what helps keep your teen in-check online. It’s important that you don’t loose your cool and keep those lines of communication open, many of us realize this...

Best and Worst Social Media Platforms

Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok and more. The CyberSmile Foundation released their Social America report. As many people are anxiously waiting to hear if the ‘like’ button will be removed on both Facebook and Instagram, over 20,000 young...

Social Etiquette: Are You Google Ready?

Your online reputation can determine your future Are you Google ready? There’s no denying it, there will be a time when your name is put through a Google rinse cycle. Someone will be searching you on the internet. Here are some facts that survey’s have...