Teen Gaming Addiction

Signs of Teen Gaming Addiction Many parents are concerned with the amount of time their tweens and teens spend online. Whether it’s communicating with friends through social media, texting or chatting — or they are playing video games, it all involves...

Social Media: The Emotional Impact on Teens

Preventing the Adverse Effects of Social Media on Teens Social media was created to make people socialize virtually, and that has been possible to some extent. There are multiple other benefits of social media as well, but the question is do the pros outweigh the cons...

Summer Camps for Digital Detox

Summer Camps to Help Digital Addiction Will a therapeutic summer camp help your teen’s digital addiction? Many teens today have been experiencing depression, anxiety, under-performing in school if not completely failing classes — we’ve even witnessed...

Living In A Cancel Culture

How the Cancel Culture Can Impact Your Online Reputation The Cancel Culture (formerly referred to as the “call-out” culture) is now how people are using social media to publicly shame (usually celebrities or brands) due to what they deem is a controversial...

Teens, Social Media and College Admission

We’re all a click away from digital disgrace Reality is, we’re a tweet or post away from losing an interview, a job or for many young people — a spot for their first choice college. The percentage of college admissions officers who believe that...

Worries and Concerns of Teen Online Dating

Are you a parent of a teen that is using a dating app? In most cases, online dating is unsafe for teens. This is because, as you probably already know, there are a lot of predators online who try to prey on teens. That cute 16-year-old lacrosse player who lives a few...

Online Hate Doesn’t Take Time-Off

Cyberbullying, Online Shaming and COVID It’s been an extremely challenging year for many people. The pandemic has everyone on edge and many are retreating to their devices as a distraction of reality. Sadly social media and the internet can be a sea of...