Talking To Teens About Catfishing

We have heard the horror stories of cyberbullying over the past several years, and they never get easier to hear. Catfishing is an extended branch of online harassment that takes cruelty to a new level. The tragedy in Riverside California is a cruel reminder of the...

Pros and Cons of Virtual Therapy for Teens

Is Virtual Therapy Effective for Troubled Teens?   Many troubled teenagers will completely shut down if you attempt to take them to a therapist’s office, but is online therapy effective for teens struggling with mental health issues?    Since the...

Teen Digital Self-Harm

Parenting teens with technology seems like it’s always evolving — probably because it is. The trend of teen digital self-harm is a trend that is very concerning.    What is digital self-harm? It’s the “anonymous online posting, sending, or...

Teens, Tech and Mental Health

Nearly half of teens admit to being online constantly, according to the 2022 Teens, Social Media and Technology study by PEW Research Center.   Since 2019 teen depression and anxiety has doubled, many experts blame the increase of screen-time as part of the...

How Much Time Teens Spend Online

Did you know American teenagers spend an “astounding” nine hours a day with digital technology, entertaining themselves with streaming video, listening to music and playing games? And “tweens” aged 8 to 12 are spending six hours with media,...

The Secrets My Teen Has Online

Do you fear that your teenager is keeping a separate digital life from you? Are they becoming withdrawn, depressed, angry — even stopped going to school or engaging in family events?   Research shares that two thirds of teens surveyed say they have engaged...

Ways to Prevent Smartphone Addiction

How many parents struggle with their teen’s addiction to their cell-phone (internet) and specifically social media platforms?  This is a growing concern not only in families, but with educators and therapists. Excess screen-time has been linked to causing an increase...

Why Is Your Teen A Bully?

Where Do Bullies Learn How to Be Mean? Imagine being a fly on the wall in your daughter’s elementary school class. The teacher introduces a new boy who has just moved into town and then asks the kids to welcome him to the class. It’s obvious that he’s uncomfortable....

How to Help Your Teen Develop Empathy Online

Helping your teen develop empathy online (as well as offline) is important because it teaches them to reflect, observe and think about their own behavior and how it affects others. Empathy is the ability to understand the emotions of others. Empathy helps us...