The Computer – Tool or Trap?

We are all guilty! We sit at work and, when temptation calls, access our personal email or our Facebook accounts; we are working on a big project at home and, instead of television, it is Facebook, Pinterest, emails, YouTube, or some other more entertaining site that...

Rude Things Parents Say to Teens

In gathering material for my book, How Rude! The Teen Guide to Good Manners, Proper Behavior, and Not Grossing People Out,  I asked teenagers to list rude things parents say to teens. Here, out of thousands of responses, are some of the most frequently cited hurtful...

‘Overshare’ Is 2014’s Word Of The Year

‘Overshare’ is officially 2014’s word of the year. Honestly – I am thrilled since it is a word that not only teens and kids need to become better aware of, but especially adults and parents. Oversharing, as outlined above, is generally giving...

Holiday Wireless Device Shopping Tips for Parents

According to the National Retailer Federation, more than 30% of consumers are expected to buy wearables, smartphones and other electronics this holiday season. If you’re a parent, chances are a smartphone or tablet tops your child’s wish list this holiday season. For...