by admin | Aug 22, 2023 | Digital Parenting
The mental health crisis among teens has become a growing concern. One of the most common issues we hear from parents is the overuse of social media as well as the obsession with the internet (including their cell phones). Many teens will literally have tantrums if...
by admin | Aug 5, 2023 | Digital Parenting, Cyberbullying
As schools will be opening across the country, it is time to remember how cyberbullying can effect your child’s academics. Online learning is necessary for some students and still holds value for many. With the increased screen time, we also need to equip our...
by admin | Jul 7, 2023 | Digital Parenting
Why is my teen obsessed with social media? Is your teen always checking their social media accounts? Social media addiction is real. Scrolling and checking through your social media feeds has become an increasingly popular activity over the past decade. Although many...
by admin | Jun 12, 2023 | Parenting
Do you consider yourself a good friend or colleague? Before you answer that question, ask yourself, “Do I bring out the best in people?” After all, you can be a good friend — kind, dependable, and selfless — yet not bring out the best in others. Do You Inspire People...
by admin | Jun 5, 2023 | Digital Parenting
Is your teen hooked on to their devices? Do you fear they are addicted to technology? Are they withdrawn or isolating to their rooms — maybe becoming depressed or struggling with anxiety? Learn how a teen life coach can help with technology addiction. Many...
by admin | May 10, 2023 | Parenting Teens
In a time where teenage mental health is a growing concern, more parents are learning about the success of animal therapy for struggling teens. Canine therapy and equine therapy has been proven to help with teen issues and improve overall psychological well-being...
by admin | Apr 5, 2023 | Parenting Teens
The debate of social media on mental health will likely never end, but what is not debatable is the fact we are facing a time when young people are struggling with depression, anxiety, suicide ideation and even self-harming — in rising numbers. According to a...
by admin | Mar 3, 2023 | Cyberbullying
Although the pandemic might be mostly behind us, there are some lingering issues that have left parents with more concerns. Remote learning did not benefit every student, and we witnessed a surge in the need for adolescent mental health services. Online learning was...
by admin | Feb 1, 2023 | Parenting Teens, Teen Suicide
We are facing a mental health crisis among adolescents, help for troubled teens struggling with suicidal thoughts has been rising since 2019. Since 2020 teen depression and anxiety has doubled, with many experts pointing to excess screen-time as a big part of the...
by admin | Jan 1, 2023 | Cyberbullying
According to a survey from Pew Research, nearly half of U.S. teens say they have been bullied or harassed online. Did you know that simply spending a meal with your teenager once a day, listening and talking (without devices) can help build a foundation for a...