#iCanHelp Launches Social Media HelpLine in Schools

#iCANHELP AND NET FAMILY NEWS INC. TEAM UP TO PILOT A SOCIAL MEDIA HELPLINE FOR SCHOOLS DURING 2015-’16 SCHOOL YEAR With 92% of middle and high school students online daily, 24% of them “almost constantly,”* it’s time schools had some help with...

My Teen Is Sexting: Now What?

Now that vacations, camps, and long school breaks are here for the summer, teens are often separated from their friends and crushes. The distance and time between them may increase the chances that our sons and daughters will be oversharing personal information and...

Talking To Your Teen About Distracted Driving

Memorial Weekend, proms, graduations, and summer approaching – all times when more youth will be behind the wheel. Sure, our teens know they shouldn’t text and drive – and we have preached forever about drinking and driving – but are they...

Social Media Site Launches for ‘All Ages’

I write frequently about respecting age restrictions, especially as it pertains to social media sites.  Popular sites such as Instagram, Facebook and Twitter all clearly state you have to be 13 year-old to have an account – yet some parents have allowed their...

Why Age Restrictions Matter on Social Media

We have discussed this for a long time, tweens jumping on social networking sites that clearly state they must be 13 years-old to join. Parents will sometimes cave to their tweens begging (peer pressure from the tween) – or the tween will find a way around...

#MyMomRocks Challenge

One of my favorite organizations, #iCANHELP, has a message to share for a special day coming soon – Mother’s Day: Sacramento, CA – National nonprofit #icanhelp is launching a campaign for Mother’s Day to show that My Mom Rocks. During the month of May we...

Digital Gifts That Can Be Priceless

We have special days coming soon, Mother’s Day and shortly after that is Father’s Day. I remember being young, and of course  as a child money is never something of abundance, one of the best gifts you can give your parents (besides your time), was...

Drug Treatment Can Work: New Stats Prove It

With experts saying that adolescence is the period when most children encounter drugs for the first time in their lives, parents of young teenagers are rightly worried. It has also become more important than ever for parents to have open conversations with their...