Study: Mom and Dad Love Social Media

We know we live in a digitally connected society, with 92% of adults attached to their cell phones, 52% of them are fully engaged in social media (Facebook being their favorite by 71%) and now research has revealed that it’s not only women (which has been...

How to Prepare Your Kids for Our Digital World

From the time they are babies, your kids see you checking Facebook from your phone, posting photos to Instagram on your tablet and finding great recipes on Pinterest from your laptop. It’s only natural that they want to be part of the great online world of social...

Cyberbullying on the Rise?

Whenever I see these headlines I want to cringe. The fact is, it’s sad we need headlines to remind us to continue to be kind to others, to continue to discuss with our children as well as our friends and colleagues about the importance of being an upstander when...

Security Settings for Your Teen’s Smartphone

Device security is incredibly important in today’s world. This is evident when you hear about major companies and celebrities being hacked. Securing your device is necessary if you want to be sure your contacts, texts and data are all safe from unauthorized...

The Bonds of Friendship With Social Media and Teens

I am someone that truly knows the gift of social media.  The support it can give you when you are feeling down.  The friends you can make and the groups you can join that have common interests. PEW Research just released their latest study on Social Media, Teens and...

Social Media, Mental Health and Teens

Today almost everyone, not only teenagers, are connected to social media. A Pew Research Center study found that 92 percent of U.S. teenagers use social networks at least once a day, with 24 percent reporting that they are online “almost constantly.”...