by admin | Dec 4, 2015 | Internet Safety, Cyber Safety, Social media
As we enter the holiday season, kids, tween and teens will be spending more time online. Recent studies from Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI) that 81% of parents believe they know what their kids are doing online. 87% in this same study say they do have rules in...
by admin | Dec 1, 2015 | Online reputation
I wrote an article for Huffington Post, Your Online Reputation Doesn’t Take the Holidays Off. Why? Because I was browsing Facebook one day and stunned at what people will share – or should we say – overshare. It isn’t only photos –...
by admin | Nov 26, 2015 | Identity theft
So far in 2015, there have been countless cases of mass identity theft. In the United States alone, millions have been victimized in data breaches and the year is not over yet. While improvements to identity security, such as through Chip-and-Pin credit card...
by admin | Nov 19, 2015 | Cyberbullying, Bullying, cyberbullying prevention, Digital Parenting
This month several surveys and reports have been released on tech, parenting, teens and cyberbullying. Starting with the simple one that came from iKeepSafe, which was funded by AT&T, it focused on Cyberbalance in the Digital Culture. 44% of teens admit they do to...
by admin | Nov 12, 2015 | Online Safety, Cyber Safety, Sexting
Everyone loves their cell phones and most can’t live without them. PEW Fact Tank shares that 64% of adults in 2015 own a smartphone, but when it comes to cell phones in general, it jumps to 90% of adults. In a PEW Research in 2013, 74% of youth between the age...
by admin | Nov 8, 2015 | Cyber Safety
Common Sense Media recently released their latest report regarding today’s media consumption and our youth. Tweens and teens spend about 9-hours a day on media. This includes a variety of media entertainment such as– music, television, tablets, computers...
by admin | Nov 6, 2015 | Digital citizenship
We are heading into the holiday season. This means more interaction with store clerks, more time online, and most likely more time with customer service people on the phone. Our words and reaction will to others in all these spaces and places will matter. It’s a...
by admin | Nov 1, 2015 | Cyberbullying
We have constantly said that although October was Bullying Prevention Month, we also consider it Cyberbullying Prevention Month, we have to continuously discuss awareness and educate our communities on curbing this type of cruelty – both offline and online 365...
by admin | Oct 31, 2015 | Digital Parenting
The little boy who used to beg you to take him to the park every afternoon or the sweet young girl who used to love riding bikes with you around the neighborhood is now a teenager who is, for all practical purposes, addicted to technology. As a parent, you probably...
by admin | Oct 30, 2015 | Digital Parenting
It’s eight o’clock on a school night; do you know where your kids are? In our constantly wired world, you not only need to know whose house your kids are visiting, but also where they’re hanging out on the Internet. Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram...