10 Great Ways to Prevent Identity Theft

So far in 2015, there have been countless cases of mass identity theft. In the United States alone, millions have been victimized in data breaches and the year is not over yet. While improvements to identity security, such as through Chip-and-Pin credit card...

Our Digital and Media Influences for Youth

Common Sense Media recently released their latest report  regarding today’s media consumption and our youth. Tweens and teens spend about 9-hours a day on media. This includes a variety of media entertainment such as– music, television, tablets, computers...

Just Be Nice: Is It That Simple?

We are heading into the holiday season. This means more interaction with store clerks, more time online, and most likely more time with customer service people on the phone. Our words and reaction will to others in all these spaces and places will matter. It’s a...

Cyberbullying Prevention Month Round-Up

We have constantly said that although October was Bullying Prevention Month, we also consider it Cyberbullying Prevention Month, we have to continuously discuss awareness and educate our communities on curbing this type of cruelty – both offline and online 365...

Social Media Profiles and Digital Parenting

It’s eight o’clock on a school night; do you know where your kids are? In our constantly wired world, you not only need to know whose house your kids are visiting, but also where they’re hanging out on the Internet. Social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram...