by admin | Apr 16, 2016 | Internet Safety
It’s no secret that keeping our children safe is a full time job. In the past we could simply baby proof our homes and hold our child’s hands when they crossed the street. Now, today’s children have the world at their fingertips with the countless devices and forms of...
by admin | Apr 14, 2016 | Distracted driving
Surfing the Net. Checking email. Posting to social media accounts. These are just a few of the things drivers are doing while behind the wheel. According to research from AT&T, 7-in-10 people admit to engaging in smartphone activities while driving. In light of...
by admin | Apr 4, 2016 | Online Safety
More than 70 percent of teens use more than one social network site, with Facebook being the most popular, reports Pew Research Center. Thanks to the advanced cameras on smartphones like the Samsung Galaxy S6, Instagram and Snapchat are the next two most popular sites...
by admin | Mar 29, 2016 | Digital Parenting
The recent study from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine has produced many headlines referencing the link between social media usage and depression. “Because social media has become such an integrated component of human interaction, it is important...
by admin | Mar 14, 2016 | Cyberbullying, Online reputation
On March 9, 2016 a new series started, The Internet Ruined My Life on the Syfy Network. Though the series is new, we know that keystrokes and cyber-wars have been destroying lives for a long time. “I wish I had never hit send.” “I never knew one...
by admin | Mar 12, 2016 | Online Safety
In today’s hyper-connected society, it’s rare to find a teenager that isn’t on at least one social network. Even more, with new applications and social media sites becoming popular among teens at such a rapid pace, keeping up with everything teens are doing online can...
by admin | Mar 10, 2016 | Parenting, Digital Parenting, Internet Safety, Online Privacy, Parenting Teens
Finding a girlfriend or boyfriend is a powerful driving force for teenagers around the world. The need to connect intimately with others is a defining moment in the transition from child to adult. Now, think back to our own teen years. Typically, we met prospective...
by admin | Mar 4, 2016 | Online reputation
Overall the internet is a wonderful place that allows us to learn so much at our fingertips. It’s like having the combination of encyclopedia’s, travel guides, exploring real estate as well as the potential of building relationships and finding your next...
by admin | Feb 20, 2016 | Digital Parenting
Technology plays a huge role in everyday life. From social media and messaging to GPS location and reviews, you rely on tech more than ever before. And so do your kids. You know the risks that are online, and you want to protect your children from them. This poses the...
by admin | Feb 14, 2016 | Internet Safety
Let’s take this a step further, when should parents read their child’s journal or diary? Many are reading this and saying — NEVER! However, if you are concerned about your teen’s behavior (or child) and something doesn’t seem right,...