9 Tips for Teaching Online Safety

The internet is a modern marvel. This simple invention has revolutionized our lives in ways we never could have expected. We can order food and products straight to our door. We can video chat with people on the other side of the globe. We can talk to almost anyone in...

Teaching Your Teen to Drive in a Digital World

So, your teenager is about to earn their driver’s license. How do you feel? Worried? Confused? Relieved? On one hand, a driver’s license means freedom from your duties as a chauffeur. On the other, teenage drivers can be a tremendous source of anxiety. In fact, one...

Online Reputation: Are You Google Ready?

Today your online image is usually the first impression any employer or possible a college recruiter will review about you.  Your name will eventually be put through an internet wash-cycle and how it spins depends on how you have been maintaining it. Keep in mind you...

Survey: Employers Spreading the Holiday Cheer

I’ve grown so tired of the bickering news and social media news feeds (I’m referring to real news and it’s more tiresome explaining away the fake news). It was one of the most divisive election seasons and our social media news feeds are...

Digital for Good: Compliments Matter

From the moment they hit the ‘screen’ – #iCANHELP has been changing lives in a positive direction online and off. They recently announced their latest form of kindness going viral! Don’t miss the 2-minute video at the end, and share it forward....

Is it Rude, Is it Mean or Is it Bullying?

We often are confused between the definitions of rude, mean or if it’s bullying behavior.   Signe Whitson, an internationally recognized speaker and educator, provides insights on the distinctions of these types of behaviors in her latest activity books....