Yes to the Prom, No to Distracted Driving

May is National Teen Safe Driving Month Prom season is here, and that means many teens will be driving on that special night. And of course, most will have a smartphone in hand to capture the memories. But AT&T wants to remind young drivers during this, National...

Teens and Tech: Staying Safe In A Digital World

By the time children reach the teenage years, tech is entrenched in day-to-day activities, from school work to socializing. Teens are eager to explore the digital universe, which presents many dangers alongside its advantages. That puts parents in a tricky situation...

How to Recognize if Your Loved One is Being Bullied

Sometimes it can be very difficult to know for sure if a loved one is being bullied or abused. Often the victim will not share their true feelings out of fear. They may be afraid that no one will believe them or that their abuser will punish them. For children, they...

Pink Shirt Day, AT&T and Bullying Prevention

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), 1 in 3 students say they have been bullied at school. The 2013 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey found that nationwide, 19 percent of students had been bullied on school property during the 12...

Relationships In The Age of Technology

Opening doors, holding hands, going steady. When it comes to love, tech isn’t a replacement for in-person chemistry. But sometimes it can help move the relationship along. This Valentine’s Day, AT&T conducted a survey to learn more about technology and...

Digital Parenting in the High-Tech Age

Guest Post by Brenda Barron Year after year, we watch as media consumption rises — in our homes, our professional workspaces, and even while we’re out and about. According to Nielsen’s Total Audience Report from the first quarter of 2016, our consumption of media has...

How A Tweet Can Spark Online Hate

I don’t have to tell anyone how online abuse has become part of the landscape of social media. Whether it’s a child being told to drink bleach and die, or a celebrity hearing their movie is so bad that “it’s not rape worthy,” or the former First Lady being called an...