The Rise of Shame Nation and Cyberbullying

Whenever I see these headlines about youth taking their lives and the word bullying or cyberbullying attached to it, I want to cringe. The fact is, it’s sad we need headlines to remind us to continue to be kind to others, to continue to discuss with our children...

Back to School: Teens and Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a major problem and our devices are one of the biggest culprits. According to a poll conducted by Braun Research, 95 percent of drivers polled in the survey said that they disapprove of distracted driving, however, 71 percent engage in some sort...

Lunchroom Bullying with Back to School

Schools are opening across the country and although we know bullies didn’t take the summer off, the cafeteria bullies have had a summer break. Lunchroom bullying like schoolyard bullying is often a place where mean kids will gather. We haven’t heard a lot...

Students Recognized for Using Digital for Good

What a fantastic headline!  It can get exhausting hearing about the negativity of online harassment and how incivility is rising digitally. Thanks to #ICANHELP, they put out a call for nominees of students that are making a positive impact online. They recently...

The Very Real Risks of Sharenting

As a parent, you are probably concerned about your tween and teen’s use of social media. While you understand the appeal of sites like Instagram and Snapchat, you want to be sure your children are not sharing too much personal info or posting too many photos. What...

Summer Slump: Teens and Social Media

Summer can be a great time for teens to decompress from school and their hectic schedule of running from events and squeezing in your homework and studying for exams. They will also have more time for social media, which isn’t all bad.  Especially if they are in...

How to Use a Smartphone to Combat Cyberbullying

The facts about cyberbullying are sobering. More than 40 percent of kids say they have been bullied online, 87 percent have witnessed cyberbullying and yet only one in ten victims will report the abuse to an adult. Kids who are bullied are at greater risk for anxiety,...