School is back in session across the country.  It’s true – online cruelty never takes a break, but when school opens we can see a rise in peer cruelty online and off.

In McAfee’s 2014 Teens and Screens Study, they reported cyberbullying has tripled and at least 24% of the tweens and teens said they didn’t know what to do if they become a victim of online abuse.

It’s a fact, offline parenting will reflect the online safety of your children. 

Digital parenting is crucial today — it as important as potty training your toddler.

We must start discussing digital safety, citizenship and all aspects of cyberspace before our children are handed keypads.

Our kids are watching us – if we chat on our cell phone or text in the company of others (which is rude), we can’t expect our kids to be any different.  If we are gossiping online — our children will also read our comments – they will mimic our behavior.  Gossip could easily turn into cruel keystrokes.

Let’s look at a growing concern over the past 12-months. According to McAfee in 2013 27% of kids admitted to witnessing cyberbullying online.  In 2014 it triples to 87%!

It’s time to start the conversation.

In a previous post, I wrote about why kids don’t tell parents.  We need to break down these walls.  Telling an adult, preferably their parent has to be one of their first steps to reporting online abuse.

Courtesy of McAfee.