Summer is the deadliest time of year to be on the road, and The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has released some new statistics that underscore the need for drivers to stay sober.
This new infographic puts the situation in sharp focus:
As alcohol-related accidents tend to increase in the summer months, we want to remind all Americans that buzzed driving can put a stop to summer fun.
Here are some surprising facts:
• Nearly twice as many people are killed in auto accidents during the summer months than the rest of the year combined.
• 1 drunken-driving fatality occurred every 51 minutes in 2012
• 35% of all drivers in nighttime fatal crashes who were alcohol-impaired
• 24% of males drivers involved in fatal crashes in 2012 had a Blood Alcohol Content of .08 or higher
• A DUI can cost drivers up to $10,000 — that’s more than three months worth of income for the average working American
The Ad Council has partnered with I Heart Radio as part of its ongoing public service campaign to keep the roads safe. You can find more statistics, as well as resources to help talk to kids and teens about safe driving at:
Parents remember you are your teen’s number one influence. They are watching you. Don’t text and drive with the excuse you are you a more experienced driver. That won’t hold weight with a teenager that believes they are invincible.
Don’t have a few beers or a couple of glasses of wine and decide to run to the grocery store, it sends the wrong message to your children.
Your actions speak a lot louder than your words.
Be the person your want your child to be. Safe, sound, and most of all – arrive alive.