DigLearningDayFebruary 5th 2014 is Digital Learning Day.

It is an opportunity to take extra time to learn something new about the Internet or digital citizenship — maybe learn a new app your kids are using.

Reality is, everyday is an opportunity to learn something new.  I am not convinced we need a specific day, but Digital Learning Day helps bring awareness to the importance of learning about digital safety and embracing the world-wide-web.

As a Family Internet Safety Advocate, I am always talking about what people post online – and hoping they recognize the fact that it will be there waiting for them in the future.  Another words – how would a college recruiter feel about it or a potential employer?

Maintaining your online reputation is a priority and starts the minute you are given a keypad.  Learning about digital citizenship is not any different than offline etiquette – kindness and empathy are traits that parents should be instilling just as they are teaching potty training.

What many teens and possibly some adults may not realize is that even when you are sleeping, your digital footprint is still taking a journey.  You know those friends you have chosen on all your social media sites?  They have the ability to copy, paste and manipulate your comments, pictures and posts.

This is not to scare anyone – it is only to remind you to choose your friends wisely.  Know who they are – remember a friend today can be a foe tomorrow.

With that being said, you are safer to start by only posting comments and pictures that you know are secure.  Use your privacy settings – that are what they are there for.

Yes, Digital Learning Day is here today and everyday.

What have you learned?