October is National Bullying Prevention and Awareness Month.
We will see many articles and reports on bullying and cyberbullying.
The goal is to have parents, kids and educators to take the time to learn more about bullying and cyberbullying. Although we have a month designated to awareness, all year round we are dealing with peer cruelty.
Make a decision to pause and learn more about how you can help put a stop to this type of meanness.
Maybe it is becoming a cyber-mentor or even creating a kindness club. Don’t be afraid to reach out into your community or school and make a difference.
Join me on Wednesday October 8th (1pm-2pm EST) with Digital Citizen Alliance for a #StopCyberbullying TweetChat where will be discussing the topic of online peer cruelty and our youth. According to a recent survey, cyberbullying has tripled since last year and the majority of kids don’t tell their parents or another adult — let’s turn that around.
Parents have to start getting involved in today’s cyber-lives and digital world. From texting to sexting to revenge porn to Slenderman — you need to know what is going on in cyberspace. After-all – it is the new playground of our children’s world.
Be an educated parent – you will have safer children, online and off.